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2024 Peer Reviewed Articles
- M. Maricanov, R. Becker, R.D.L. Jerusalem, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
On the Suitability of the α-Relaxation as Novel Trigger for a Shape Memory Polymer
Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2024) e56241
- R. D. L. Jerusalem, M. Maricanov, T. Raidt, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Heating Rate Sensitive Polyethylene Terephthalate
Macromolecular Rapid Communications (2024) 2400346
- A. Romanovska, M. Schmidt, V. Brandt, J. Tophoven, J.C. Tiller
Controlling the function of bioactive worm micelles by enzyme-cleavable non-covalent inter-assembly cross-linking
Journal of Controlled Release 368 (2024) 15-23
- F. Schneck, P.O. Kruse, D. Hesse-Hornich, N.F. Lopes Dias, W. Tillmann, R. Jerusalem, M. Maricanov, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller, U.A. Handge
Combination of a Viscoelastic and a Tribological Analysis of a Low-Density Polyethylene with a High Degree of Cross-linking
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2400042 (2024)
- Jerusalem, R. D. L., Maricanov, M., Katzenberg, F., Tiller, J. C.
Cross-Linked Shape Memory Polymer Blends with Tunable Heating Rate Sensitivity
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater, 2025, 7, 2, 932-937
- Benitez-Duif, P. A., Weckes, S., Pinto Ferreira, R. M., Kurka, D., Tiller, J. C.
Insights in the influence of functional side groups on the mechanical performance of Poly(2-oxazoline)/Poly(acrylate) double network hydrogels
Polymer, 2025, 319, 128014
2023 Peer Reviewed Articles
- M. Milovanovic, F. Tabakoglu, F. Saki, E. Pohlkoetter, D. Buga, V. Brandt, J. C. Tiller
Organic-inorganic double networks as highly permeable separation membranes with a chiral selector for organic solvents
Journal of Membrane Science 2023, 668, 121190.
2022 Peer Reviewed Articles
- D. Segiet, S. Weckes, J. Austermuehl, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
On the influence of the amorphous phase on the stability of crystals in poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) networks
Journal of Applied Polymer Science e53146 (2022)
- S. A. Wilhelm, M. Maricanov, V. Brandt, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Amphiphilic polymer conetworks with ideal and non-ideal swelling behavior demonstrated by small angle X-ray scattering
Polymer 242, 1, 124582 (2022)
- P. A. Benitez-Duif, M. Breisch, D. Kurka, K. Edel, S. Gökcay, D. Stangier, W. Tillmann, M. Hijazi, J. C. Tiller
Ultrastrong Poly(2-Oxazoline)/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Double-Network Hydrogels with Cartilage-Like Mechanical Properties
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2204837
- M. Milovanovic, N. Rauner, E. Civelek, T. Holtermann, O. El Jid, M. Meuris, V. Brandt, J. C. Tiller
Enzyme-induced ferrication of hydrogels for toughening of functional inorganic compounds
Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2022, 2200051
2021 Peer Reviewed Articles
- C. F. Niedik, F. Jenau, M. Maricanov, D. Segiet, J. C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Improvement of high voltage direct current material properties upon tailoring the morphology of crosslinked polyethylenes
Polymer Crystallization, e10208 (2021)
- D. Segiet, A, Stockmann, J. Sadowski,F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Insights in the Thermal Volume Transition of Poly(2-oxazoline) Hydrogels
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2100157 (2021)
- A. Romanovska, J. Keil, J. Tophoven, M. F. Oruc, M. Schmidt, M. Breisch, C. Sengstock, D. Weidlich, D. Klostermeier, J. C. Tiller
Conjugates of Ciprofoxacin and Amphiphilic Block Copoly (2-alkyl-2-oxazolines)s Overcome Efflux Pumps and Are Acitve against CIP-Resistant Bacteria
Molecular Pharmaceutics 18, 9, 3532–3543 (2021)
- L. Benski, I. Viran, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Measurements on Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks Swollen in Orthogonal Solvents
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 222 (1), 2000292 (2021)
- M. Milovanovic, N. Isselbächer, V. Brandt , J. C. Tiller
Improving the Strength of Ultrastiff Organic–Inorganic Double-Network Hydrogels
Chemistry of Materials, 33 (21), 8312-8322 (2021)
- M. Milovanovic, L. Mihailowitsch, M. Santhirasegaran, V. Brandt, J. C. Tiller
Enzyme-induced mineralization of hydrogels with amorphous calcium carbonate for fast synthesis of ultrastiff, strong and tough organic–inorganic double network
Journal of Materials Science, 56 (27), 15299-15312 (2021)
2020 Peer Reviewed Articles
- M. Hijazi, E. Tuerkmen, J.C. Tiller
Full Thermal Switching of Enzymes by Thermoresponsive Poly(2-oxazoline)-Based Enzyme Inhibitors
Chemistry A European Journal 26 (59) 13367-13371 (2020)
- M. Milovanovic, M. T. Unruh, V. Brandt, J. C. Tiller
Forming amorphous calcium carbonate within hydrogels by enzyme-induced mineralization in the presence of N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 579, 357 – 368 (2020)
- D. Segiet, L.M. Neuendorf, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Realizing a shape-memory effect for synthetic rubber (IR)
Polymer 203, 122788 (2020)
- C. Krumm, S. Trump, L. Benski, J. Wilken, F. Oberhaus, M. Köller, and J.C. Tiller
Fast-Acting Antibacterial, Self-Deactivating Polyionene Esters
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (19) 21201–21209 (2020)
- M. Breisch, K. Loza, K. Pappert, A. Rostek, C. Rurainsky, K. Tschulik, M. Heggen, M. Epple, J.C. Tiller, T.A. Schildhauer, M. Köller and C. Sengstock
Enhanced dissolution of silver nanoparticles in a physical mixture with platinum nanoparticles based on the sacrificial anode effect
Nanotechnology 31, 055703 (2020)
- D. Segiet, R. Jerusalem, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Investigation of the Swelling Behavior of Hydrogels Derived from High Molecular Weight Poly(2-Ethyl-2-Oxazoline)
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 58, 747–755 (2020)
- M. Hijazi, E. Türkmen, J.C. Tiller
Poly(2‐oxazoline)s with a 2,2′‐Iminodiacetate End Group Inhibit and Stabilize Laccase
Chembiochem 21 (6) 874-882 (2020)
2019 Peer Reviewed Articles
- D. Segiet, T. Raidt, H. Özdem, S. Weckes, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Thermo-/Moisture-Responsive Shape-Memory Effect of Poly(2-Ethyl-2-Oxazoline) Networks
J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. 57 (16), 1053-1061 (2019)
- T. Raid, P. Santhirasegaran, R. Hoeher, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Shock- and Energy-Absorption Capability of Cold-Programmable Shape Memory Polymers
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 220 (2), 1800274 (2019)
- M.Hijazi, P. Spiekermann, C. Krumm, J.C. Tiller
Poly(2-oxazoline)s terminated with 2,2 ‚-imino diacetic acid form noncovalent polymer-enzyme conjugates that are highly active in organic solvents
Biochemistry and Bioengineering 116, 272-282 (2019)
- M.Hijazi, M.Schmidt, H. Xia, J. Storkmann, R. Plothe, D. DosSantos, U. Bednarzick, C. Krumm, J.C.Tiller
Investigations on the thermoresponsive behavior of copoly(2-oxazoline)s in water
Polymer 175, 294-301 (2019)
- M. Breisch, V. Grasmik, K. Loza, K. Pappert, A. Rostek, N. Ziegler, A. Ludwig, M. Heggen, M. Epple, J.C. Tiller, T.A. Schildhauer, M.Köller and C. Sengstock
Bimetallic silver platinum nanoparticles with combined osteo-promotive and antimicrobial activity
Nanotechnology 30, 305101 (2019)
- W. Tillmann, L. Hagen, D. Stangier, M. Krabiell, P.Schröder, J.C.Tiller, C. Krumm, C. Sternemann, M. Paulus, M. Elbers
Influence of etching-pretreatment on nano-grained WC-Co surfaces and properties of PVD/HVOF duplex coatings
Surface and Coating Technology 374, 32-43 (2019)
- L. Benski, J.C. Tiller
Telechelic biocidal poly(2-oxazoline)s and polycations
European Polymer Journal, 120, 109233 (2019)
- F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Shape Memory Effect, Shock- and Energy-Absorption Capability of Critically Cross-Linked Syndiotactic Polypropylene
Materials Today – Proceedings 16, 1531-1537 (2019)
- D. Segiet, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Tunable Swelling Kinetics of Shape-Memory Poly(2-Ethyl-2-Oxazoline)-Networks
Materials Today – Proceedings 16, 1554-1559, (2019)
- L. Benski, M. Hijazi, F. Arfeen, C. Krumm, J.C. Tiller
Antimicrobial telechelic partially hydrolyzed poly(2-oxazoline)s with two modes of action
ACS, Volume 257, Meeting Abstract 611, (2019)
- A. Romanovska, M. Schmidt, C. Krumm, J.C. Tiller
Poly(2-oxazoline) conjugates with antibiotics
ACS, Volume 257, Meeting Abstract 513, (2019)
- M. Milovanovic, N. Rauner, M. Meuris, J.C. Tiller
Ultrastiff and tough organic/inorganic double network hydrogels
ACS, Volume 257, Meeting Abstract 436, (2019)
- J.C. Tiller, A. Strassburg, C. Krumm
Fast acting antimicrobial polyionens: Activity-structure relationships, self-deactivation, and hydrogels
ACS, Volume 257, Meeting Abstract 119, (2019)
- S. Wilhelm, M. Leurs, S. Konieczny, B. Dorn, M. Manisegaran, J.C. Tiller
Chemically modified proteins as highly selective artificial metalloenzymes
ACS, Volume 257, Meeting Abstract 377, (2019)
2018 Peer Reviewed Articles
- N. Rauner, C. Mueller, S. Ring, S. Boehle, A. Strassburg, C. Schoeneweiss, M. Wasner, J.C. Tiller
A Coating that Combines Lotus-Effect and Contact-Active Antimicrobial Properties on Silicone
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (29), 1801248 (2018)
- M. Leurs, B. Dorn, S. Wilhelm, M. Manisegaran, J.C. Tiller
Multicore Artificial Metalloenzymes Derived from Acylated Proteins as Catalysts for the Enantioselective Dihydroxylation and Epoxidation of Styrene Derivatives
Chemistry A European Journal 24 (42) 10859-10867 (2018)
- M. Schmidt, A. Romanovska, Y. Wolf, T.-D. Nguyen, A. Krupp, H.L. Tumbrink, J. Lategahn, J. Volmer, D. Rauh, S. Luetz, C. Krumm , J.C. Tiller
Insights into the Kinetics of the Resistance Formation of Bacteria against Ciprofloxacin Poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) Conjugates
Bioconjugate Chemistry 29 (8), 2671–2678 (2018)
- T. Raidt, P. Santhirasegaran, R. Hoeher, J.C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Shock-and Energy Absorption Capability of Cold-Programmable Shape Memory Polymers
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 220 (2), 1800274 (2018)
- L. Richter, M. Hijazi, F. Arfeen, C. Krumm, J.C. Tiller
Telechelic, Antimicrobial Hydrophilic Polycations with Two Modes of Action
Macromolecular Bioscience 18 (4), 1700389 (2018)
- M. Hijazi, C. Krumm, S. Cinar, L. Arns, W. Alachraf, W. Hiller, W. Schrader, R. Winter, J.C. Tiller
Entropically driven Polymeric Enzyme Inhibitors by End-Group directed Conjugation
Chemistry A European Journal 24 (18), 4523-4527 (2018)
- T. Raidt, M. Schmidt, J. C. Tiller, F. Katzenberg
Cross-Linking of Semi-Aromatic Polyesters Towards High Temperature Shape Memory Polymers with Full Recovery
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 39 (6), 1700768 (2018)
- D.E. Apostolides, C.S. Patrickios, T. Sakai, M. Guerre, G. Lopez, B. Améduri, V. Ladmiral, M. Simon, M. Gradzielski, D. Clemens, C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller, B. Ernould, J.-F. Gohy
Near-Model Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks Based on Four-Arm Stars of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and Poly(ethylene glycol): Synthesis and Characterization
Macromolecules 51 (7), 2476-2488 (2018)
2017 Peer Reviewed Articles
- A. Strassburg, J. Petranowitsch, F. Paetzold, C. Krumm, E. Peter, M. Meuris, M. Köller, J. C. Tiller
Cross-Linking of a Hydrophilic, Antimicrobial Polycation toward a Fast-Swelling, Antimicrobial Superabsorber and Interpenetrating Hydrogel Networks with Long Lasting Antimicrobial Properties
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (42), 36573-36582 (2017)
- M. Schmidt, L. K. Bast, F. Lanfer, L. Richter, E. Hennes. R. Seymen, C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller
Poly(2-oxazoline)-Antibiotic Conjugates with Penicillins
Bioconjugate Chemistry 28 (9), 2440-2451 (2017)
- M. Leurs, J. C. Tiller
Chapter 17 – Nanoarmored Enzymes for Organic Enzymology: Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(2-Alkyloxazoline)-Enzyme Conjugates
Methods in Enzymology 590, 413-444 (2017)
- C. Krumm, M. Hijazi, S. Trump, S. Saal, L. Richter, G. G. F. K. Noschmann, T.-D. Nguyen, K. Preslikoska, T. Moll, J. C. Tiller
Highly active and selective telechelic antimicrobial poly(2-oxazoline) copolymers
Polymer 118, 107-115 (2017)
- N. Rauner, M. Meuris, M. Zoric, J. C. Tiller
Enzymatic mineralization generates ultrastiff and tough hydrogels with tunable mechanics
Nature 543, 407-410 (2017)
- R. Plothe, I. Sittko, F. Lanfer, M. Fortmann, M. Roth, V. Kolbach, J. C. Tiller
Poly(2-ethyloxazoline) as matrix for highly active electrospun enzymes in organic solvents
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 114 (1), 39-45 (2017)
- C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller
Chapter 15 Antimicrobial Polymers and Surfaces – Natural Mimics or Surpassing Nature?
Bio-inspired Polymers, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 490-522 (2017)
- T. Raidt, R. Hoeher, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Multiaxial Reinforcement of Cross-Linked Isotactic Polypropylene upon Uniaxial Stretching
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302, 1600308 (2017)
- M. Schmidt, T. Raidt, S. Ring, S. Gielke, C. Gramse, S. Wilhelm, F. Katzenberg, C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller
Investigations on „near perfect“ poly(2-oxazoline) based amphiphilic polymer conetworks with a crystallizable block
European Polymer Journal 88, 562-574 (2017)
- S. Sommer, T. Raidt, A. Engel, J.C. Balzer, B.M. Fischer, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller, M. Koch
Investigating the crystallinity of Poly(butylene)terephthalate (PBT): Correlation between THz TDS measurements and X-ray scattering data
42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz (2017)
2016 Peer Reviewed Articles
- A. Drahten, J. Reiber, C. Krumm, M. Meuris, J. C. Tiller, C. M. Niemeyer, S. Brakmann
Genetic Engineering of Silaffin-Like Peptides for Binding and Precipitating Siliceous Materials
Chemistry Select 1 (15), 4765-4771 (2016)
- N. Gushterov, F. Doghieri, D. Quitmann, E. Niesing, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller, G. Sadowski
VOC Sorption in Stretched Cross-Linked Natural Rubber
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (26), 7191-7200 (2016)
- T. Raidt, R. Hoeher, M. Meuris, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Ionically Cross-Linked Shape Memory Polypropylene
Macromolecules 49 (18), 6918-6927 (2016)
- W. Tillmann, L. Hagen, F. Hoffmann, M. Dildrop, A. Wibbeke, V. Schöppner, V. Resonnek, M. Pohl, C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller, M. Paulus and C. Sternemann
The detachment behavior of polycarbonate on thin films above the glass transition temperature
Polymer Engineering & Science 56 (7), 786-797 (2016)
- R. Hoeher, T. Raidt, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Heating Rate Sensitive Multi-Shape Memory Polypropylene: A Predictive Material
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 13684-13687 (2016)
- S. Sommer, T. Raidt, B. M. Fischer, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller, M. Koch
THz-Spectroscopy on High Density Polyethylene with Different Crystallinity
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 37 (2), 189-197 (2016)
- F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Shape Memory Natural Rubber
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54, 1381-1388 (2016)
- M. Leurs, P. S. Spiekermann, J. C. Tiller
Optimization of and Mechanistic Considerations for the Enantioselective Dihydroxylation of Styrene Catalyzed by Osmate-Laccase-Poly(2-Methyloxazoline) in Organic Solvents
ChemCatChem 8 (3), 593-599 (2016)
2015 Peer Reviewed Articles
- E. J. Kepola, L. Elena, C. S. Patrickios, L. Epameinondas, V. Chrysovalantis, S. Triantafyllos, R. Schweins, M. Gradzielski, C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller, M. Kushnir, C. Wesdemiotis
Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks Based on End-Linked „Core-First“ Star Block Copolymers: Structure Formation with Long-Range Order
ACS Macro Letters 4, 1163-1168 (2015)
- M. Schmidt, S. Harmuth, B. E. Barth, E. Wurm, R. Fobbe, A. Sickmann, C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller
Conjugation of Ciprofloxacin with Poly(2-oxazoline)s and Polyethylene Glycol via End Groups
Bioconjugate Chemistry 26 (9), 1950-1962 (2015)
- A. Strassburg, F. Kracke, J. Wenners, A. Jemeljanova, J. Kuepper, H. Petersen, J. C. Tiller
Nontoxic, Hydrophilic Cationic Polymers – Identified as Class of Antimicrobial Polymers
Macromolecular Bioscience 15 (12), 1710-1723 (2015)
- R. Hoeher, T. Raidt, N. Novak, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Shape Memory PVDF Exhibiting Switchable Piezoelectricity
Molecular Rapid Communications 36 (23), 2042-2046 (2015)
- I. Sittko, K. Kremser, M. Roth, S. Kuehne, S. Stuhr, J. C. Tiller
Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks With Defined Nanostructure and Tailored Swelling Behavior for Exploring the Activation of an Entrapped Lipase in Organic Solvents
Polymer 64, 122-129 (2015)
- F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Vielmehr als nur Gummi
Nachrichten aus der Chemie (6), 623-626 (2015)
- T. Raidt, R. Hoeher, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Chemical Cross-linking of Polypropylenes Towards New Shape Memory Polymers
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 36 (8), 744-749 (2015)
- D. Quitmann, F. M. Reinders, B. Heuwers, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Programming of Shape Memory Natural Rubber for Near-Discrete Shape Transitions
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7 (3), 1486-1490 (2015)
- S. Konieczny, M. Leurs, J. C. Tiller
Polymer Enzyme Conjugates as Chiral Ligands for Sharpless Dihydroxylation of Alkenes in Organic Solvents
ChemBioChem 16 (1), 83-90 (2015)
- N. Rauner, L. Buenger, S. Schuller, J. C. Tiller
Post-Polymerization of Urease-Induced Calcified, Polymer Hydrogels
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 36 (2), 224-230 (2015)
- D. Quitmann, M. Dibolik, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Altering the Trigger-Behavior of Programmed SMNR by Solvent Vapor
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 300 (1), 25-30 (2015)
2014 Peer Reviewed Articles
- C. Krumm, J. C. Tiller
Antimikrobielle Oberflächen – Kontaktaktiv oder durch Biozide
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 62 (10), 984-987 (2014)
- M. Sellerberg, D. DiBartolo, J. Oberrecht, J.C. Tiller, P. Walzel
Viscometric measurement of protease activities on gelatine substrate
Applied Rheology 24 (6), 62660 (2014)
- C. P. Fik, S. Konieczny, D. H. Pashley, C. J. Waschinski, R. S. Ladisch, U. Salz, T. Bock, J.C. Tiller
Telechelic Poly(2-oxazoline)s with a Biocidal and a Polymerizable Terminal as Collagenase Inhibiting Additive for Long-Term Active Antimicrobial Dental Materials
Macromolecular Bioscience 14 (11), 1569-1579 (2014)
- N. Rauner, M. Meuris, S. Dech, J. Godde, J.C. Tiller
Urease-induced calcification of segmented polymer hydrogels – a step towards artificial biomineralization
Acta Biomaterialia 10 (9), 3942-3951 (2014)
- S. Konieczny, C. Krumm, D. Doert, K. Neufeld, J.C. Tiller
Investigations on the activity of poly(2-oxazoline) enzyme conjugates dissolved in organic solvents
Journal of Biotechnology 181, 55-63 (2014)
- J. Tobis, J.C. Tiller
Impact of the configuration of a chiral, activating carrier on the enantioselectivity of entrapped lipase from Candida rugosa in cyclohexane
Biotechnology Letters 36 (8), 1661-1667 (2014)
- C. Krumm, S. Harmuth, M. Hijazi, B. Neugebauer, A.-L. Kampmann, H. Geltenpoth, A. Sickmann, J.C. Tiller
Antimicrobial Poly(2-methyloxazoline)s with Bioswitchable Activity through Satellite Group Modification
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (15), 3830-3834 (2014)
- C. Krumm, S. Harmuth, M. Hijazi, B. Neugebauer, A.-L. Kampmann, H. Geltenpoth, A. Sickmann, J.C. Tiller
Biologisch schaltbare antimikrobielle Poly(2-methyloxazoline) auf Grundlage des Satellitengruppeneffekts
Angewandte Chemie 126 (15), 3908-3913 (2014)
- D. Quitmann, N. Gushterov, G. Sadowski, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Environmental Memory of Polymer Networks under Stress
Advanced Materials 26 (21), 3441-3444 (2014)
- L. A. T. W. Asri, M. Crismaru, S. Roest, Y. Chen, O. Ivashenko, P. Rudolf, J.C. Tiller, H. C. v.d. Mei, T. J. A. Loontjens, H. J. Busscher
A Shape-Adaptive, Antibacterial-Coating of Immobilized Quaternary-Ammonium Compounds Tethered on Hyperbranched Polyurea and its Mechanism of Action
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (3), 346-355 (2014)
- F. Katzenberg, R. Hoeher, D. Quitmann, J.C. Tiller
Shape-Memory Natural Rubber (SMNR): An Exceptional Material for Storing Strain, Cold and Energy
Macro 2014, Chiang Mai (2014)
- F. Katzenberg, R. Hoeher, D. Quitmann, J.C. Tiller
Shape Memory Properties of Natural Rubber
MACRO 2014, Chiang Mai (2014)
- R. Hoeher, T. Raidt, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Tunable Multiple-Shape Memory Effect of Lightly Cross-linked Polyethylene Blends
MACRO 2014, Chiang Mai (2014)
- R. Hoeher, T. Raidt, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Extending the Limits of Shape Memory Polymers: World Record in Strain Storage
MACRO 2014, Chiang Mai (2014)
- D. Quitmann, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Environmental memory of shape memory natural rubber
MACRO 2014, Chiang Mai (2014)
- D. Quitmann, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Solvent sensitive reversible stress answer of shape memory natural rubber
MACRO 2014, Chiang Mai (2014)
- D. Quitmann, R. Hoeher, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Shape Memory Natural Rubber
248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco (2014), Polymer Materials Science & Engineering
- F. Katzenberg, R. Hoeher, J. C. Tiller
Shape Memory Effect of Natural Rubber
Polymertec 2014, Merseburg, (2014)
- R. Hoeher, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Tunable Multishape Memory Polyethylene Blend
Polymertec 2014, Merseburg, (2014)
- C. Krumm, J.C. Tiller
Bioswitchable antimicrobial Poly(2-methyloxazoline)s
248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco (2014), Polymer Chemistry
- C. Krumm, C.J. Waschinski, C.P. Fik, J.C. Tiller
Controlling the antimicrobial activity of Poly(2-methyloxazoline)s by the SG-effect
248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco (2014), Polymer Chemistry
- N. Rauner, M. Meuris, S. Dech, J. Godde, J.C. Tiller
Selective CaCO3 formation within Hydrogels
248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco (2014), Polymer Chemistry
2013 Peer Reviewed Articles
- R. Hoeher, T. Raidt, M. Rose, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Recoverable strain storage capacity of shape memory polyethylene
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 51 (13) 1033-1040 (2013)
- R. Hoeher, T. Raidt, C. Krumm, M. Meuris, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Tunable Multiple-Shape Memory Polyethylene Blends
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 214 (23), 2725-2732 (2013)
- D. Quitmann, N. Gushterov, G. Sadowski, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Solvent-Sensitive Reversible Stress-Response of Shape Memory Natural Rubber
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5, 3504-3507 (2013)
- F. Siedenbiedel, A. Fuchs, T. Moll, M. Weide, R. Breves, J.C. Tiller
Star-shaped Poly(styrene)-block-Poly(4-vinyl-N-methylpyridiniumiodide) for semipermanent antimicrobial coatings
Macromolecular Bioscience 13 (10), 1447-1455 (2013)
- I. Schoenfeld, S. Dech, B. Ryabenky, B. Daniel, B. Glowacki, R. Ladisch, J.C. Tiller
Investigations on Diffusion Limitations of Biocatalyzed Reactions in Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks in Organic Solvents
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 110 (9), 2333-2342 (2013)
- C. Krumm, S. Konieczny, G.J. Dropalla, M. Milbradt, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks Based on End Group Cross-Linked Poly(2-oxazoline) Homo- and Triblock Copolymers
Macromolecules 46 (9), 3234-3245 (2013)
- C.H. Ho, E.K. Odermatt, I. Berndt, J. C. Tiller
Long-term active antimicrobial coatings for surgical sutures based on silver nanoparticles and hyperbranched polylysine
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 24 (13), 1589-1600 (2013)
- B. Heuwers, A. Beckel, A. Krieger, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Shape Memory Natural Rubber: An Exceptional Material for Strain and Energy Storage
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 214 (8), 912-923 (2013)
- B. Heuwers, D. Quitmann, R. Hoeher, F. M. Reinders, S. Tiemeyer, C. Sternemann, M. Tolan, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Stress-Induced Stabilization of Crystals in Shape Memory Natural Rubber
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 34 (2), 180-184 (2013)
2012 Peer Reviewed Articles
- B. Heuwers, D. Quitmann, F. Katzenberg, J. C. Tiller
Stress-induced melting of crystals in natural rubber: a new way to tailor the transition temperature of shape memory polymers
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 33 (18), 1517-1522 (2012)
- C.H. Ho, M. Thiel, S. Celik, E. Odermatt, I. Berndt, R. Thomann, J. C. Tiller
Conventional and microwave-assisted synthesis of highly branched polylysine towards amphiphilic core-shell nanocontainers for metal nanoparticles
Polymer 53 (21), 4623-4630 (2012)
- S. Konieczny, C.P. Fik, N.J.H. Averesch, J.C. Tiller
Organosoluble Enzyme Conjugates with Poly(oxazoline)s via Pyromellitic Acid Dianhydride
Journal of Biotechnology 159, 195-203 (2012)
- C.P. Fik, C. Krumm, C. Münnig, T.I. Baur, U. Salz, T. Bock, J.C. Tiller
Impact of Functional Satellite Groups on the Antimicrobial Activity Hemocompatibility of Telechelic Poly(2-methyloxazoline)s
Biomacromolecules 13 (1), 165-172 (2012)
- F. Siedenbiedel, J.C. Tiller
Antimicrobial Polymers in Solution and on Surfaces: Overview and Functional Principles
Polymers 4 (1), 46-71 (2012)
- S. Dech, V. Wruk, C.P. Fik, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks Derived from Aqueous Solutions for Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents
Polymer 53 (3), 701-707 (2012)
- C. Krumm, C.P. Fik, M. Meuris, G.J. Dropalla, H. Geltenpoth, A. Sickmann, J.C. Tiller
Well-defined amphiphilic poly(2-oxazoline) ABA triblock copolymers and their aggregation behavior in aqueous solution
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 33, 1677-1682 (2012)
- B. Heuwers, D. Quitmann, R. Hoeher, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Shape memory properties of lightly cross-linked natural rubber
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 106, 515 (2012)
- B. Heuwers, D. Quitmann, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller
Mechanically triggered shape memory polymer
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 106, 196 (2012)
- F. Katzenberg, B. Heuwers, J.C. Tiller
Natural rubber for strain- cold- and energy-storage
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 106, 203 (2012)
- S. Konieczny, J.C. Tiller
Organosoluble polymer enzyme conjugates with poly(oxazoline)s
Polymer Preprints ACS 53 (1), 356-357 (2012)
- C. Krumm, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic telechelic ABA triblock copolymers based on oxazolines
Polymer Preprints ACS 53 (1), 347-348 (2012)
- M. Thiel, M. Milbradt, G. Cordes, J.C. Tiller
Impregnated amphiphilic polymer conetwork membranes for chiral separation
Polymer Preprints ACS 53 (1), 105-106 (2012)
- J.C. Tiller, C.P. Fik, A. Bieser, C. Waschinski
Telechelic bioactive poly(2-oxazoline)s with biofunctional and satellite end groups
Polymer Preprints ACS 53 (1), 316-317 (2012)
- P. von Czarnecki, A. Kampert, S. Barbe, J.C. Tiller
Study on the oxidative decomposition of bifunctional aryloxalate esters as potential linkers for controlled release networks
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering Preprints 53 (1), (2012)
2011 Peer Reviewed Articles
- C.P. Fik, M. Meuris, U. Salz, T. Bock, J.C. Tiller
Ultrahigh-Aspect Ratio Microfiber-Furs as Plant-Surface Mimics Derived from Teeth
Advanced Materials 23 (31), 3565-3569(2011)
- P. v. Czarnecki, A. Kampert, S. Barbe, J.C. Tiller
Bifunctional Aryloxalate Esters as Potential Oxidatively Cleavable Linkers
Tetrahedron Letters 52 (28), 3551-3554 (2011)
- F. Katzenberg, B. Heuwers, J.C. Tiller
Superheated Rubber for Cold-Storage
Advanced Materials 23, 1909–1911 (2011)
- J.C. Tiller
Antimicrobial Surfaces
Bioactive Surface, Advances in Polymer Science 240, 193-217 (2011)
- S. Dech, T. Cramer, R. Ladisch, N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller
Solid-solid interface adsorption of proteins and enzymes in nanophase-separated amphiphilic conetworks
Biomacromolecules 12 (5), 1594–1601 (2011)
- J. Tobis, L. Boch, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic polymer conetworks as chiral separation membranes
Journal of Membrane Science 372, 219-227 (2011)
- A.M. Bieser, J.C. Tiller
Mechanistic Considerations on Contact-Active Antimicrobial Surfaces with Controlled Functional Group Densities
Macromolecular Bioscience 11 (4), 526-534 (2011)
- A.M. Bieser, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Contact-Active Antimicrobial and Potentially Self-Polishing Coatings Based on Cellulose
Macromolecular Bioscience 11, 111-121 (2011)
- M. Mendorf, A. Moenter, T. Moll, D.W. Agar, J. Tiller
Polymerisation of Butyl Acrylate in the two phase slug flow regime of parallel microcapillary reactors
Macromolecular Symposia 302 (1), 245-256 (2011)
- C. P. Fik, S. Konieczny, C. Krumm, I. Schönfeld, J.C. Tiller
Telechelic Poly(oxazoline)s for Bioactive Conjugates
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 32 (2), F73-F74 (2011)
2010 Peer Reviewed Articles
- F. Mueller, B. Heuwers, F. Katzenberg, J.C. Tiller, G. Sadowski
Tensile Creep Measurements of glassy VOC-loaded Polymers
Macromolecules 43, 8997-9003 (2010)
- J. Tobis, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Synthesis and characterization of chiral and thermo responsive amphiphilic conetworks
Polymer 51, 35-45 (2010)
- N. Bruns, M. Hanko, S. Dech, R. Ladisch, J. Tobis, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks as Matrices for Phase Transfer Reactions
Macromolecular Symposia 291-292 (1), 293-301 (2010)
- J.C. Tiller, C.H. Ho
Hyperbranched polylysine-synthesis, characterization and applications
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 102, 13965-13966 (2010)
- J. Schaup, F. Katzenberg Phase diagram of PMMA/PVDF-blends and effect of mixture-intensity on crystallization behaviorPolymer Materials Science & Engineering 102, 5951-5952 (2010)
2009 Peer Reviewed Articles
- N.A. Hadjiantoniou, C.S. Patrickios, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic Conetworks Based on End-Linked Multiblock Copolymers of Different Numbers of Blocks and Constant Molecular Weight and Composition
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 210, 942-950 (2009)
- A. P. Barbosa, M. Stranz, F. Katzenberg, et. al.
Cryogenic mechanical milling of high density polyethylene
e-Polymers 096 (2009)
2008 Peer Reviewed Articles
- E.M. Hensle, J. Tobis, J.C. Tiller, W. Bannwarth
Ring-closing olefin metathesis in the aqueous phase of amphiphilic conetworks consisting of fluorophilic and hydrophilic compartments
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 129 (10), 968-973 (2008)
- C.J. Waschinski, R. Hutzler, J. Zimmermann, U. Salz, G. Sadowski, J.C. Tiller
Design of Contact-Active Antimicrobial Acrylate-Based Materials Using Biocidal Macromers
Advanced Materials 20, 104-108 (2008)
- C.J. Waschinski, S. Barnert, A. Theobald, R. Schubert, F. Kleinschmidt, A. Hoffmann, K. Saalwächter, J.C. Tiller
Insights in the antibacterial action of poly(methyloxazoline)s with biocidal end group and varying satellite groups
Biomacromolecules 9 (7), 1764-1771 (2008)
- N. Bruns, W. Bannwarth, J.C Tiller
Amphiphilic Conetworks as Activating Carriers for the Enhancement of Enzymatic Activity in Supercritical CO2
Biotechnology & Bioengineering 101 (1), 19-26 (2008)
- H.C. Ho, E. Odermatt, I. Berndt, J.C. Tiller
Ways of selective polycondensation of L-lysine towards linear a- and e-poly-L-lysine
Journal of Polymer Science, Part A 46 (15), 5053-5063 (2008)
- A.M. Bieser, J.C. Tiller
Supramolecular Self-organization of Potential Hydrogelators on Attracting Surfaces
Supramolecular Chemistry 20 (4), 363-367 (2008)
- G. Kali, T. K. Georgiou, B. Iván, C. S. Patrickios, E. Loizou, Y. Thomann, J. C. Tiller
Structural Characterization Of Glassy And Rubbery Anionic Amphiphilic Model Conetworks, Nanoparticles Synthesis, Stabilization, Passivation and Functionalization
(eds: R. Nagarajan and T. A. Hatton)ACS Symposium Series 996, 286-302 (2008)
- J. C. Tiller, C. Waschinski, A. Fuchs, A. Bieser
Design and Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Surfaces
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 29 (4), F37-F38 (2008)
- J.C. Tiller
Coatings for Prevention or Deactivation of Biological Contamination
Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning. Eds. Rajiv Kohli and K.L. Mittal, William Andrew, Norwich, NY, USA, 1013-1065 (2008)
2007 Peer Reviewed Articles
- J.C. Tiller
Polymere Biocide
GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 51 (11), 926-927 (2007)
- J.C. Tiller
Self-sterilising surfaceses
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 5 (5), 499-502 (2007)
- A.M. Bieser, J.C. Tiller
Structure and Properties of an Exceptional Low Molecular Weight Hydrogelator
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (46), 13180-13187 (2007)
- G. Kali, T.K. Georgiou, B. Ivan, C.S. Patrickios, E. Loizou, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Synthesis and Characterization of Anionic Amphiphilic Model Conetwork of 2-Butyl-1-Octyl-Methacrylate and Methacrylic Acid: Effects of Polymer Composition and Architecture
Langmuir 23 (21), 10746-10755 (2007)
- C.J. Waschinski, J.C. Tiller
Bitelechelic polymers with biocidal end groups
Speciality Chemicals Magazine 27 (5), 44-45 (2007)
- G. Kali, T.K. Georgiou, B. Ivan, C.S. Patrickios, E. Loizou, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Synthesis and Characterization of Anionic Amphiphilic Conetworks Based on Methacrylic Acid and Methyl Methacrylate: Effects of Composition and Architecture
Macromolecules 40 (6), 2192-2200 (2007)
- S. Rehwald, M. Berndt, F. Katzenberg, S. Schieger, E. Runge, K. Schierbaum, D. Zerulla
Tunable nanowires: An additional degree of freedom in plasmonics
Physical Review B 76, 085420 (2007)
- M.Meuris, U.Köster
Mikrostruktur von Muschelschalen und Schneckengehäusen – biologische Verbundmaterialien
Fortschritte in der Metallographie, Praktische Metallographie, Sonderband 39, 255-260 (2007)
- J.C. Tiller, G. Metral, J. Wentland
Novel release system with enzymatic trigger
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 97, 720-721 (2007)
- R.S. Ladisch, N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller
Advantages and limitations of biocatalysts in amphiphilic conetworks
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 97, 607-608 (2007)
- C.H. Ho, J.C. Tiller
Novel synthesis routes towards polylysines
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering 97, 553-554 (2007)
- C.H. Ho, T.V. Richter, J.C. Tiller
Protecting Group Free Synthesis of Linear and Hyperbranched Polysines
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 1 (2), F22-F23 (2007)
- G. Kali, T.K. Georgiou, B. Ivan, C.S. Patrickios, E. Loizou, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Nanophase separated anionic amphiphilic model conetworks based on methacrylic acid
NSTI Nanotech, Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, USA, 2, 60-63 (2007)
- U. Köster, L.Jastrow, M.Meuris
Oxidation of Cu60Zr30Ti10 Metallic Glasses
Mater.Sci.Eng., 165-168 (2007)
2006 Peer Reviewed Articles
- A.D. Fuchs, J.C. Tiller
Contact-active antimicrobial coatings derived from aqueous suspensions
Angewandte Chemie, Int. Ed. 45, 6759-6762 (2006)A.D. Fuchs, J.C. Tiller Kontaktaktive antimikrobielle Beschichtungen aus wässrigen Suspensionen Angewandte Chemie, 118 (40), 6911-6914 (2006)
- M. Hanko, N. Bruns, S. Rentmeister, J.C. Tiller, J. Heinze
Nanophase-separated amphiphilic conetworks as versatile matrices for optical chemical and biochemical sensors
Anal. Chem. 78, 6376-6383 (2006)
- M. Hanko, N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller, J. Heinze
Optical biochemical sensor for determining hydroperoxides in nonpolar organic liquids as archetype for sensors consisting of amphiphilic conetworks as immobilisation matrices
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 386, 1273-1283 (2006)
- N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller
Nanophasic amphiphilic conetworks with a fluorophilic phase
Macromolecules 39, 4386-4394 (2006)
- J.C. Tiller, A.D. Fuchs, C.J. Waschinski, A.M. Bieser
Beating the bugs
Eur. Coat. J. (12), 28-32 (2006)
- J.C. Tiller
Silver-based Antimicrobial Coatings
Polymeric Drug Delivery Volume II – Polymeric Matrices and Drug Particle Engineering, Svenson, S. (Ed.), ACS Symposium Series 924, 215-231 (2006)
- J. Tobis, J.C. Tiller
Synthesis of chiral and temperature-responsive silicone-based conetworks
Polym. Prepr. 47, 1208-1209 (2006)
- N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller
Nanophasic Amphiphilic Conetworks Comprising a Fluorophilic Phase
Polym. Prepr. 47, 205-206 (2006)
- J.C. Tiller, N. Bruns, S. Eigner, A. Fauler, J. Scherble
Switching morphologies in biphasic silicone-based conetworks
Polym. Prepr. 47, 1203-1203 (2006)
- R.S. Ladisch, J.C. Tiller
Mechanistic investigations on amphiphilic microbeads as carriers for biocatalysts in organic solvents
Polym. Prepr. 47, 873-874 (2006)
- C.J. Waschinski, U. Salz, J. Zimmermann, J.C. Tiller
Biocidal macromonomers for contact-active polymer networks
Polym. Prepr. 47, 13-14 (2006)
- N. Bruns, M. Wiemann, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic polymer conetworks comprising one fluorophilic phase
Macromolecular Bioscience 6, F55-F56 (2006)
2005 Peer Reviewed Articles
- H. Weikmann, J.C. Tiller, R. Thomann, R. Mühlhaupt
Metallized Organoclays as New Intermediates for Aqueous Nanohybrid Dispersions, Nanohybrid Catalysts and Antimicrobial Polymer Hybrid Nanocomposites
Macromol. Mater. Eng. 290, 875-883 (2005)
- J.C. Tiller, L. Hartmann, J. Scherble
Reloadable antimicrobial coatings based on amphiphilic silicone networks
Surf. Coat. Inter. Part B: Coat. Transact. 88, 49-53 (2005)
- C.J. Waschinski, V. Herdes, F. Schueler, J. C. Tiller
Influence of satellite groups on telechelic antimicrobial functions of polyoxazolines
Macromol. Biosci. 5, 149-156 (2005)
- C.J. Waschinski, J.C. Tiller
Poly(oxazoline)s with Telechelic Antimicrobial Functions
Biomacromolecules 6, 235-243 (2005)
- G.C.D. Metral, J. Wentland, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Biodegradable Poly(ester hydrazide)s via Enzymatic Polymerization
Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 26, 1330-1332 (2005)
- J.C. Tiller, C. Sprich, L. Hartmann
Amphiphilic conetworks as regenerative controlled releasing antimicrobial coatings
J. Control. Release 103, 355-367 (2005)
- G. Savin, N. Bruns, Y. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Nanophase Separated Amphiphilic Microbeads
Macromolecules 38, 7536-7539 (2005)
- A.M. Bieser, J.C. Tiller
Surface-induced hydrogelation
Chem. Comm. 31, 3942-3944 (2005)
- N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic Network as Nanoreactor for Enzymes in Organic Solvents
Nano Letters 5, 45-48 (2005)
- N. Bruns, J. Scherble, L. Hartmann, R. Thomann, B. Ivan, R. Mülhaupt, J.C. Tiller
Nanophase Separated Amphiphilic Conetwork Coatings and Membranes
Macromolecules 38, 2431-2438 (2005)
- F. Katzenberg
Plasma-bonding of poly(dimethylsiloxane) to glass
e-Polymers 060 (2005)
- F. Katzenberg
Topographic processing of silicone surfaces
Surface & Coatings Technology 200, 1097-1100 (2005)
- M. Stranz, U. Köster, F. Katzenberg
Stress Induced Formation of Metastable Phases in Semi-Crystalline Polymers During Cryogenic Mechanical Milling
J. Metastable & Nanocryst. Mater. 24 (25), 463-466 (2005)
- U. Köster, M. Stranz, F. Katzenberg
Formation of Polymer Blends and Nano-Composites by Cryogenic Mechanical Milling
J. Metastable & Nanocryst. Mater. 24 (25), 609-614 (2005)
- A.D. Fuchs, C.J. Waschinski, J.C. Tiller
Antimicrobial block copolymer emulsifier for contact-active polymer suspensions and surfaces
Polym Prepr. 46, 1213 (2005)
- G.C.D. Metral, J.C. Tiller
Alternative routes to degradable poly(hydrazide) derivatives
Polym. Prepr. 46, 238 (2005)
- A.M. Bieser, J.C. Tiller
Selective formation of supramolecular polymer-like aggregates on surfaces with recognition structures
Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 93, 510 (2005)
- N. Bruns, G. Savin, J.C. Tiller
Designing Nanophase-Separated Amphiphilic Networks as Phase Transfer Matrix for Biotransformation in Organic Media.
Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 26, F33 (2005)
2004 Peer Reviewed Articles
- C.H. Ho, J. Tobis, C. Sprich, R. Thomann, J.C. Tiller
Nanoseparated polymeric networks with multiple antimicrobial properties
Advanced Materials 16, 957-961 (2004)
- L.Jastrow, U.Köster, M.Meuris
Catastrophic Oxidation of Zr-TM (Noble Metals) Glasses
Mater.Sci.Eng. A 375-377, 440-443 (2004)
- M.Meuris, L.Jastrow, U.Köster
Einfluss verschiedener Übergangsmetalle auf die Entflammbarkeit schmelzgesponnener Zirkon-Basis Gläser
Fortschritte in der Metallographie, Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie36, 223-228 (2004)
- J. Waschinski, V. Herdes, J.C. Tiller
Antimicrobial poly(oxazoline)s
Polymer Preprints 45, 471-472 (2004)
- N. Bruns, J.C. Tiller
Amphiphilic networks improve enzymatic activity in organic solvents
Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 91, 742-743 (2004)
- J. C. Tiller, G. Savin, N. Bruns, J.Scherble
Functional biphasic amphiphilic materials nanophases on surface and in bulk
Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 91, 950-951 (2004)
2003 Peer Reviewed Articles
- J.C. Tiller
Increasing the local concentration of drugs by hydrogel formation
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 42 (27), 3072-3075 (2003) J.C.Tiller Lokale Anreicherung von Wirkstoffen durch Hydrogelierung Angewandte Chemie 115 (27), 3180-3183 (2003)
- P. Berlin, D. Klemm, A. Jung, H. Liebegott, R. Rieseler, J.C. Tiller
Film-Forming Aminocellulose Derivatives as Enzyme-Compatible Support Matrices for Biosensor Developments
Cellulose (Dordrecht, Netherlands) 10, 343-367 (2003)
- F. Katzenberg
Cost-effective production of highly regular nanostructured metalization layers
Nanotechnology 14, 1019-1022 (2003)
- S. Yan, I. Lieberwirth, F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann
Microstructured ultrathin HDPE films prepared by selective oriented recrystallization
Journal of Macromolecular Science and Physics B 42, 641-652 (2003)
- J. C. Tiller, C.H. Ho, J. Tobis, R. Thomann
Microbe-repelling antimicrobial networks loaded with silver nanoparticles
Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 89, 246 (2003)
- F. Katzenberg, A. Khaddour, D. Peier
Hydrophobicity Stabilization by Formation of Microstructures on Silicon Surfaces
ISH-2003, Netherlands
2002 Peer Reviewed Articles
- J.C. Tiller, R. Rieseler, P. Berlin, D. Klemm
Stabilization of Activity of Oxidoreductases by Their Immobilization onto Special Functionalized Glass and Novel Aminocellulose Film Using Different Coupling Reagents
Biomacromolecules 3, 1021-1029 (2002)
- J.C. Tiller, S.B. Lee, K.A. Lewis, M. Klibanov
Polymer surfaces derivatized with poly(vinyl-N-hexylpyridinium) kill airborne and waterborne bacteria
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 79, 465-471 (2002)
- J. Lin, J.C. Tiller, S.B. Lee, K. Lewis, A.M. Klibanov
Insights into bactericidal action of surface-attached poly(vinyl-N-hexylpyridinium) chains.
Biotechnology Letters 24, 801-805 (2002)
- C. Aymonier, U. Schlotterbeck, L. Antonietti, P. Zacharias, R. Thomann, J.C. Tiller, S. Mecking
Hybrids of silver nanoparticles with amphiphilic hyperbranched macromolecules exhibiting antimicrobial properties
Chemical Communications 24, 3018-3019 (2002) Proceedings
- S. Yan, I. Lieberwirth, F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann
Microstructures in ultra-thin HDPE films prepared by selective oriented recrystallization
State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Annual Report, 214-215 (2002)
2001 Peer Reviewed Articles
- J.C. Tiller, G. Bonner, L.-C. Pan, A.M. Klibanov
Improving biomaterial properties of collagen films by chemical modification
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 73, 246-252 (2001)
- J.C. Tiller, C.-J Liao, K. Lewis, A.M. Klibanov
Designing surfaces that kill bacteria on contact
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98, 5981-5985 (2001)
- J.C. Tiller, D. Klemm, P. Berlin
Designed aliphatic aminocellulose derivatives as transparent and functionalized coatings for enzyme immobilization
Designed Monomers and Polymers 4, 315-328 (2001)
- F. Katzenberg
Irradiation- and strain-induced self-organization of elastomer surfaces
Macromolecular Materials Engineering 286, 26-29 (2001) Proceedings
- Schuettler, T. Stieglitz, F. Katzenberg, et. al.
Reducing Stiffness and Electrical Losses of High Channel Hybrid Nerve Cuff Electrodes
IEEE EMBS Conference 2001
2000 Peer Reviewed Articles
- J.C. Tiller, P. Berlin, D. Klemm
Novel matrices for biosensor applications by structural design of redox-chromogenic aminocellulose esters
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 75, 904-915 (2000)
- P. Berlin, D. Klemm, J.C. Tiller, R. Rieseler
A novel soluble aminocellulose derivative type: its transparent film-forming properties and its efficient coupling with enzyme proteins for biosensors
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 201, 2070-2082 (2000)
- F. Katzenberg, R. Janlewing, J. Petermann
Surface diffusion of metal atoms on polymer substrates during physical vapour deposition
Colloid & Polymer Science 278, 280-284 (2000)
- S. Yan, F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann, et al.
A novel epitaxy of isotactic polypropylene (alpha phase) on PTFE and organic substrates
Polymer 41, 2613-2625 (2000)
- J.C. Tiller, P. Berlin, D. Klemm
Soluble and film-forming cellulose derivatives with redox-chromogenic and enzyme-immobilizing 1,4-phenylenediamine groups
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 200, 1-9 (1999)
- J.C. Tiller, P. Berlin, D. Klemm
A novel efficient enzyme-immobilization reaction on NH2 polymers by means of L-ascorbic acid
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 30, 155-162 (1999)
- S. Yan, F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann
Epitaxial and graphoepitaxial growth of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) from the melt on highly oriented high density polyethylene(HDPE) substrates
Journal of Polymer Science & Polymer Physics 37, 1893-1898 (1999)
- P. Berlin, R. Rieseler, J.C. Tiller, D. Klemm
Cellulose-based supramolecular recognition structures
Papier (Heidelberg), 52, 737-742 (1998)
- F. Katzenberg, I. Lieberwirth, J. Petermann
Two types of graphoepitaxy of tellurium onto uniaxially oriented polyethylene
Journal of Materials Science 33, 4787-4790 (1998)
- F. Katzenberg
Mikrostrukturelle Charakterisierung metallischer Aufdampfschichten auf Polymersubstraten
Dissertation Universität Dortmund (1998)
- I. Lieberwirth, F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann
Nanostructured polymer films by electron-beam irradiation and selective metallization
Advanced Materials 10, 997 (1998)
- F. Katzenberg, H. Liebertz, J. Petermann
Friction-induced molecular orientation of thin polymer films and bulk surfaces
Sen-I Gakkaishi 53, 761-765 (1997)
- F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann
Oriented overgrowth of vapour deposited tin on highly oriented PTFE substrates
Polymer Bulletin 39, 761-765 (1997)
- J. Loos, F. Katzenberg, J. Petermann
Epitaxial crystallization of linear low density polyethylene on high density polyethylene
Journal of Materials Science 32, 1551-1554 (1997)
- F. Katzenberg, J. Loos, J. Petermann
A cross-sectional preparation method for TEM and AFM investigations on layered polymer interfaces
Polymer Bulletin 39, 195-200 (1995)
- M.Meuris, E.Hornbogen
Training of shape-memory alloys
in: „Fortschritte in der Metallographie“, Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie 22, 393-402 (1991)
- M.Meuris, E.Hornbogen Heat treatment of ß-bronzes and ß-shape-memory alloys
in: „Fortschritte in der Metallographie“, Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie 21, 299-309 (1990)
- F. vom Wege, M.Meuris, E.Hornbogen
Electron microscopic investigations of thin magnetic layers
in: „Fortschritte in der Metallographie“, Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie20, 421-430 (1989)
- M.Meuris, E.Hornbogen
Lokalisierte Gleitung und interkristalliner Bruch in aushärtbaren Al-Legierungen
Prakt. Metallogr. 13, 160-171 (1976)